Captain, We're Sinking - Cannonless lyrics | LyricsFreak
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Cannonless Lyrics

Captain, We're Sinking – Cannonless Lyrics

from album: The King Of No Man (2017)
We come down
No more furtively looking around
Glossy-eyed but looking straight
Our fingers touch and separate
I take slow steady breaths
Keep time by the rise and fall of your chest

We come down
Frozen bodies warmth embalms
Faces flushed to trembling lips
Crystals rise from the mist of our breath
Triumphantly the threads connects
Subsonic whispers self-reflect
A reverie held rigidly in check

And self-control breaks
The walls whisper our names
And this is what we were made for
This is how we're made

Blissfully our frames connect
Keep time by the rise and fall of your chest
Take slow, steady breaths
Fall asleep

Self-control breaks
Walls whisper our names
And this is what we were made for
This is how we're made

Blissfully our frames connect
Take short and shallow breaths
Keep time by the rise and fall of your chest
And fall asleep

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