Combichrist - What The Fcuk lyrics | LyricsFreak
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What The Fcuk Lyrics

Combichrist – What The Fcuk Lyrics

I'm just an image
I'm just a sound
I'm just a myth
I'm not around
Can't really deal with yourself
So you find another way to be heard
And even if I would change
Do you really think it would be more like you
I've got better things to do than to listen to you

This really isn't to blame me
When all you do yourself is fail
Why should I care what you think?
Why should I change myself for you?
You expect me to
When you want me to
I need to hear you cry like a bitch
Cause you know I hate you too

I'm just an image
I'm just a sound
I'm just a myth
I'm not around
Can't really deal with yourself
So you find another way to be heard
And even if I would change
Do you really think it would be more like you
I've got better things to do than to listen to you

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